International Baccalaureate Program
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What is the difference between IB and AP?
This is probably the most frequently asked question about the IB program. Although at first glance, the two programs may seem similar, the differences between the two programs greatly outnumber the similarities between them. The major similarity is that they are both high quality curriculum recognized by the American university system as such. That is largely where the similarities end. Whereas the AP program in the Morris Hills Regional School District provides individual high quality courses, the IB Programme represents an entire curriculum made coherent by a unifying philosophy of education. This website seeks to outline the IB philosophy in detail. In general, whereas the AP program looks to master content at a high level, IB seeks to use high level content to develop a rich conceptual understanding of the world. This understanding is reached through intense writing, consistent and high level critical thought and a premium is placed on metacognition. IB is often as much about what is not known, or can not be known in a given subject, as it is about knowing given subject content. IB always emphasizes the context and nature of any given knowledge.