
Designed to challenge and inspire, the Program for the Gifted and Talented of the Morris Hills Regional District is thriving on providing alternatives in acceleration and enrichment to students nominated, screened, and selected in all of the six federally-recognized categories of giftedness. These include general intellectual ability, specific academic aptitude, creative and productive thinking, leadership, fine and performing arts and psychomotor talents.
Through varied seminars , the student is guided in his or her area(s) of giftedness. Application and elaboration of cognitive, artistic, and psycho-social abilities and talents are the goals encouraged. Independent study and projects, mentorships and internships with community businesses, industries, and facilities are integral aspects of this highly individualized secondary school program.
Students are counseled and encouraged to structure their own long-term projects or programs to provide the most appropriate development and enrichment over the entire four-year high school period.
Fostering general leadership, commitment to tasks and a high degree of personal responsibility, the Program for the Gifted and Talented in the Morris Hills Regional District aids in the educational plan to develop creative and dynamic learning for the exceptionally bright and talented high school student.