• Overview
    The HSA, the high school version of the PTA, is an organization here at Morris Knolls that benefits all the students, administrators, teachers and parents. The HSA provides the opportunity to dialogue with various members of the administration, meet other parents and learn about what is going on with academic and athletic programs as well as extra-curricular and social activities. Through membership and fundraising we are able to offer senior scholarships, teacher grants and luncheons, and parent-to-parent forums. Please join us as these are the last years to be involved and influence your child’s education and environment!
    Click to view:

    Meeting Dates: 

    September 10th – October 9th – November 13th January 8th – February 12th – March 12th  _ April 9th – May 14th

    Home and School Association Board
    President, Christie D’Asti,
    Vice President, TBA
    Treasurer, TBA
    Raffle Co-Chair, Monica Baioneta


    Scan the QR Code to Pay HSA Dues:

    QR Code for HSA Dues

    For more information, please contact HSA at morrisknollshsa@gmail.com