• Overview
    All activities involved in the yearbook club focus on the construction of the yearbook. Taking pictures, drawing layouts, cropping photographs, writing and typing copy, selling advertisements and yearbooks are all activities that the club members undertake. The physical goal is to produce an excellent yearbook that arrives in June before graduation. Materials must be prepared on time each year to meet a series of deadlines that spans from September to May. Any pictures for publication must meet yearbook specifications. See yearbook advisor for those specifications. There may be a cost involved.  
    Students undertake the responsibilities of managing sections of the book, choosing photographs to fill those sections and participating actively in sales promotions, ad campaigns and yearbook distributions. Students also use the most current computer techniques to produce a camera-ready yearbook. Even though there is a yearbook class that students can take for credit, the yearbook club is still the active force behind producing the yearbook.
    Mark DiGennaro
    Lynne Malandrino