Sociedad Hispánica

    Société Honoraire de Français

    Deutsche Ehrenverbindung


    The World Language Department of the Morris Hills Regional District is accorded full privileges as a chapter in the Sociedad Hispánica, the Société Honoraire de Français, and Delta Epsilon Phi. These honor societies, established by the American Association of Teachers of Spanish, French and German, exist to promote academic achievement in Spanish, French and German languages. In order to qualify for induction to these societies, students must meet the following criteria:

    • Achieve a final grade of 90* or above in French, German, or Spanish for years 1 and 2 while in high school (or a score of 85 or higher on a credit by exam - not placement exam -  in lieu of completion of a class)
    • Achieve a  combined average of 90* or above  in MP #1 and MP #2 during their 3rd year of study,
    • This must be completed in their first 2 ½ years of studying a language while in high school**,
    • Students must be enrolled in a level 3H course or higher at the time of application


    If an inducted World Language Honors student has completed course levels 4H, 5 AP or IB  with a 90 class average or above, and is enrolled in a World Language class during their Senior Year, he or she will be awarded a cord to be worn during the graduation ceremony. Furthermore, scholarships and awards are awarded through the national organizations (AATF, AATS and AATG) which sponsor these honor societies.  


    *A 90 class average must exclude any additional points given to an H, AP or IB course towards the GPA.


    **Completion of any Accelerated Course counts as 2 years of study in a World Language