Ms. Perry


    Math Club/Math Team is designed for those students from Grades 9 through 12 who like fun, mathematics, games and puzzles, and competing in mathematics.  There are no dues. The officers of the club are elected at the second Math Club meeting of the year.

    During the school year, members of the Math Club have the opportunity to participate in the New Jersey Mathematics League which is scheduled once a month for six months. Additionally, members participate in the American Mathematics Competition in February with the opportunity to qualify for the American Invitation Examination.

    Our Math Club activities involve problem solving, games, puzzles, preparation for the NJML contests, and fun competitions.  The members also provide peer tutoring to students in need of math help on a weekly basis.  Our meetings are held on a bi-weekly basis.  Our membership is about evenly divided between the four classes and totals around 30 students per year.