• The Morris Hills-Morris Knolls Foundation, Inc. is a private, non-profit organization, dedicated to enhancing educational opportunities in the Morris Hills Regional District. One of the goals set by the Foundation is to provide mini grants to the professional staff to improve, enrich and augment the learning environment as well as to enhance the schools and the community. The Mini Grants Program has been established to help fund programs not currently covered under the present classroom budget, but are supportive of the curriculum objectives.


    All members of the professional staff are eligible to apply for the annual Mini Grants Program funded by the Morris Hills-Morris Knolls Foundation, Inc. The application should be completed and returned to the Morris Hills-Morris Knolls Foundation C/O Superintendent’s Office no later than Friday, October 21, 2011. Please complete this application and attach the appropriate paperwork. Completed applications may be no more than five pages in total length or larger than 8 ½ X 11.  


    It is anticipated that at least four mini grants of $250 each will be awarded for the Friday, November 4, 2011.


    Grant Criteria:

    1.  All applications must demonstrate a value to the learning environment and forward the mission of the District not currently covered by classroom budget.

    2.  All applications must be complete at the time of submission or will not be considered.

    3.  Any applications submitted after the deadline will not be considered.

    4.  All applications must include a timeline with a planned evaluation and a report to be presented to the Foundation and administration. Any and all publicity and/or press releases must include the Morris Knolls Morris Hill Foundation and its Mini Grant Program.

    5.  All cost must be itemized and documented, including honorariums, rentals, supplies, janitorial fees, transportation, etc.

    6.  No application may include a salary, stipend, or honorarium to the applicant or staff member.

    7.  All permanent equipment becomes the property of the department and the District.

    8.  All projects involving the purchase of equipment must get the authorization or signature of the applicant's department head or administration.

    9.  All projects involving the purchase of software must be signed off by administration and become property of the department/class.

    10. All projects involving the use of professionals or mentors must submit resumes and letters of agreement to participate during the designated time period.

    11. If a portion of the project is already underway, the proposal should be an isolated funded portion as a stand alone project. Additional funding and the total project should be explained in detail.


Last Modified on August 31, 2006