• Categories of Giftedness
    Gifted & talented pupils are those capable of high performance and require differentiated educational programs beyond those normally provided. We feel these students should have the opportunity to pursue their own interests in greater depth and that they should be encouraged to pursue these interests in a manner more consistent with their own preferred styles of learning. Students of this type can be found in all cultural and socio-economic subgroups of any given district. They can be identified by exceptionally high performance, achievement, or potential in the following areas, singly or in combination.
    woodshop General Intellectual Ability: Characteristics for these students include exceptional ability in both verbal and non-verbal reasoning. This is often characterized by advanced vocabulary and abstract reasoning. Generally, they are capable of achieving in all academic subjects.
    Specific Intellectual or Academic Ability: Characteristics for these students include exceptional ability in either verbal or non-verbal reasoning. They are exceptionally high achievers in a specific academic subject to the extent that the normal curriculum in that subject is insufficient. This specific ability may be displayed as exceptional understanding of a skill in a vocational area.
    Creative or Productive Thinking Ability: Characteristics for these students include exceptional ability in developing original and/or unusual ideas, especially as solutions to problems. They are very imaginative and often willing to take risks when offering ideas.
    Psychosocial Ability: Characteristics for these students include exceptional managerial or leadership ability. This is often characterized by the ability to organize people and tasks, and motivate others. Often these students have strong moral and social concerns. These students often relate well to adults and peers and can be relied on to accept and carry out responsibilities.
    Psychomotor Ability: These students show exceptional ability in fine and/or gross motor skills. They have exceptional ability in balance, strenth, physicial endurance and agility, as well as aptitude in fine and industrial crafts.
    Visual or Performing Arts Ability: These students have exceptional ability in art, music, drama, or creative writing. They are highly committed to their art form and often show imagination and originality within general artistic disciplines. Psychomotor Ability: These students show exceptional ability in fine and/or gross motor skills. They have exceptional ability in balance, strength, physical endurance and agility