• Graduation Requirements
    Morris Hills High School Graduation Requirements were established by the MHRD Board of Education and the N.J. State of Education. Students must successfully complete 140 high school credits. All students must carry a minimum of 35 credits each school year. Morris Hills encourages all students who have otherwise met all requirements for graduation to pursue additional coursework in Social Studies, Mathematics, Science, and World Language in order to be better prepared for post –secondary programs and 21st century careers. Students in an Innovative Program may have additional course requirements to complete their programs. Passing of state-wide high school proficiency assessment may be required for graduation.
    Content Area Credits Required For Graduation Most Rigorous Courses Offered
    (Advanced Placement)
    English 20 credits (4 years)
    AP English – Language & Composition
    AP English – Literature & Composition
    World Languages 5 credits (1 year)
    AP Spanish Language
    AP French Language

    Mathematics 15 credits (3 years)

    AP Calculus AB
    AP Calculus BC
    AP Statistics

    Science 15 credits (3 years)
    AP Biology
    AP Chemistry
    AP Physics C
    AP Environmental Science
    AP Physics 1
    Social Studies 15 credits (3 years)
    AP U.S. History
    AP Psychology
    AP European History
    AP United States History
    AP Economics (Micro & Macro)
    AP European History
    AP Psychology 
    AP Human Geography (Sept 2016)
    AP United States Government and Politics (Sept 2016)

    Physical Education/Health & Safety

    20 credits (4 years)  
     Personal Financial Literary 2.5 credits(1/2 year) 
    Visual & Performing Arts 5 credits (1 year).
    AP Art History
    AP Studio Art
    AP Music Theory
    Computer Literacy Is infused throughout the curriculum                    AP Computer Science
    21st Century Life and Careers 5 credits (1 year)  
      Total Credits Required for Graduation 140  
    For a complete list of courses, view the Program of Studies