Ms. DiStasio/Mr. Gambale/Mr. Burrafato
mdistasio@mhrd.org sgambale@mhrd.org cburrafato@mhrd.org
The Senior Class, as an activity, attempts to uphold and continue many Morris Knolls traditions while raising money to offset the cost of the Senior Prom. Meetings are open to all interested class members.
Class officers are elected at the end of the junior year and work together over the summer to plan the upcoming year's events. Among the many traditional activities carried on by the Senior Class and officers are: the selection of a Homecoming Queen, Powder Puff Game, Hallway Decorating, Annual Magazine/Popcorn Sale, Senior Teach Day, Caps and Gown Sales, Field Day/Picnic and, finally, the Senior Prom. Various other projects arise during the school year which the class officers work diligently to complete.