School Counseling Department
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Useful WebsitesCollege and Career Planning
- The Morris Knolls Guidance Department is using Naviance Family Connection, a powerful interactive tool that opens the avenues of communication between home and school.
- This individualized, customized, and secure website supports academic and career planning for Morris Knolls High School and beyond.
- Naviance helps students and parents make better decisions about courses, college opportunities and career plans.
- Parents can access the site, under Guest Entrance with the password 'mkparent' or create their own access through their child's account.
AP ExamsTestingCollege Board
Educational Testing Services
Princeton Review
SAT Strategies
4 Tests.comEXPLORE Student/Parent Resources (includes "Quick Link" to the interactive World-of-Work map)PLAN Student/Parent Resources (includes "Quick Links" to the interactive World-of-Work map, Score to College match/College Search feature, etc. )CollegeUS News & World Report - Best CollegesAthleticsNCAA - National Collegiate Athletic AssociationNAIA - National Association of Intercollegiate AthletesNJSIAA - NJ State Interscholastic Athletic AssocationCareersEmployment Projects - Bureau of Labor Statistics