• Morris Knolls High School is proud to announce our continued partnership with the NFHS Network to broadcast our Golden Eagle athletic contests and school wide events LIVE. We have invested in new technology that will bring you every game or event from Caruso Stadium and the Gene Kelly Gymnasium LIVE online.  That means that if you or family members can’t make it to the game or school event, the live action can be watched from anywhere on your phone, tablet, computer or smart TV.

    The NFHS Network will help showcase our primary mission of expanding participation and opportunities for involvement in education-based interscholastic sports and activities.   The Morris Hills Regional School district has paid for memberships for all of our families and joining the NFHS Network and subscribing for unlimited access is a simple process.  

    Just follow these simple steps!

    1. Go to NFHSnetwork.com

    2. Enter Morris Knolls in the search box.  This will bring you the free site for your Golden Eagle broadcasts.

    3. Click “Follow” so you can stay up to date on all upcoming Morris Knolls broadcasted events.

     Thank you for your continued support of Morris Knolls High School. We look forward to bringing you top notch broadcasts of our events!